eHealth Africa-Parsyl Global Health Monitoring

eHA-Parsyl is a temperature-sensitive and data-driven supply chain monitoring and analytics solution. This advanced technology provides real-time monitoring and tracking of temperature-sensitive medical products, ensuring that essential healthcare supplies such as vaccines, medicines, and medical devices are stored and transported in optimal conditions. 

eHA-Parsyl offers real-time tracking and analytics for healthcare providers to be able to make more informed decisions, improving the delivery of critical medical supplies. Also, this will ensure that temperature-sensitive products remain within the required conditions during storage and transport, minimizing waste and reducing the risk of spoilage or damage.

Global Health Supply Chain Monitoring
End-to-end visibility into what’s happening to critical health commodities on transit and storage. Alerts and notifications, cloud-based actionable insights, and a centralized source for data.

eHAParsyl uses granular supply chain data to provide better risk management supported by a new approach to address a global health insurance gap. It helps lower their risk by utilizing better data and technology to protect both the quality of life-saving goods as well as the financial investments made to supply them, while uncovering insights that help to improve future performance.

eHA- Parsyl for Global Healthcare
eHA-Parsyl works with Ministries of Health, logistics providers, and nonprofits to monitor country-wide health systems, multi-modal shipments, and last-mile deliveries in hard-to-reach places worldwide. Reliable monitoring for sensitive health commodities traveling through the supply chain, in transit and storage, to the last mile, helps understand product quality and track remaining shelf-life.

Peace of mind: Real-time supply chain insights made available to respond when it matters.

  • Automatic & Wireless Data Offload: Available through gateway or free mobile app, optimized for low connectivity settings for true end-to-end visibility.
  • Actionable insights: Uncover trends and patterns that will help prevent issues from happening and mitigate risk for the future.
  • Transparent & Collaborative Risk Management: Digitally share data with stakeholders.
  • Cloud Platform: Creates newfound visibility into the causes and location of possible vaccine degradation and other issues.
  • Dedicated Onboarding Team: Clear and simple with continuous customized support.
  • Operational Savings: eHA-Parsyl devices are affordable, saving customers overhead..