Public Health Emergency Management
Polio Emergency Operations Centers (PEOC)

Project Overview and Objective
The Polio Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) project is primarily focused on enhancing coordination, transparency, accountability, and efficiency among various stakeholders involved in Polio eradication efforts in Nigeria.
The project's core objective is to streamline operations and foster a collaborative environment conducive to the elimination of the Circulating Variant Polio Virus Type 2 (cVPV2).
Project Impacts
Support to Polio Outbreak Control Rooms in Africa (POCR)

eHealth Africa conducted 26 needs assessments across 10 African countries to ascertain the type, design, upgrade, or POCR setup required for a country. In response to the needs assessment, eHA worked with the project partners and government stakeholders to achieve the following:
Complete the setup of POCR sites
eHA has cumulatively established 18 (9 in 2023) Polio Outbreak Control Rooms in several key locations across Africa, including Madagascar, Mozambique(Maputo Temporary), Mozambique(Misau), Tete Regional(permanent) in the renovation project while the construction project countries with completed project include: Somalia(Dhusamared), Somalia(Kismaso), Somalia(Mogadishu national).
There are 26 POCR sites undergoing upgrade or construction
These are continuation of efforts in renovating POCR sites in 4 countries which includes: Congo DR, Congo Brazzaville, Somalia(Banadir), Zimbabwe and construction projects includes DRC Maniema, DRC Haut lomani, Somalia (Baidoa), Somalia(Jowhar), Somalia(Garowe), and DRC Tanganyika

Vaccine Direct Delivery (VDD)
The Vaccine Direct Delivery (VDD) project, initiated by eHealth Africa (eHA), embodies the organization's commitment to developing people-centric and data-driven technological solutions aimed at enhancing health delivery systems for vulnerable communities. With footprints in 4 states (Bauchi, Kano, Sokoto and Zamfara states), VDD is designed as a third-party logistics (3PL) service, ensuring the efficient and timely delivery of vaccines and dry commodities from state cold stores directly to health facilities at the ward level across operating states. Leveraging eHA's proprietary LoMIS Deliver application and dashboard, the project streamlines operational planning, data management, and visualization.
Impacts from 2014 - Feb 2024
52,807,397Potent vaccine antigens were successfully delivered
33,307,680Dry goods were delivered across health facilities in 4 states
25,809,542Children immunized with life-saving vaccines
Case Studies
Leveraging Data-Driven Decision-Making for Project Success
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Project (OFSP)
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs)
Stakeholders collaboration boosts children immunization rate in Bauchi State
Logistic Management Information Systems (LoMIS)
Addressing challenges with supply/distribution of health commodities in Kano State using LoMIS Stock
Geo-referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3)
Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics now positioned to plan and decide better
Community Health Officer-Management & Leadership Training Program
Training of Community Health Officers improves early detection of hypertension in Sierra Leone
Want to Learn More?
Contact UsDisease Prevention and Monitoring (DPM)
Geospatial Tracking System to Support effective Polio Program in Nigeria (GTS)

Project Overview and Objective
The Geospatial Tracking System (GTS) project, implemented by eHealth Africa, is aimed at supporting polio immunization efforts across Nigeria, particularly in the fight against the circulating Variant Polio Virus2 (cVPV2).
Despite Nigeria being declared Wild Polio Virus (WPV) free in August 2020, the threat of cVPV2 persists. The GTS project works in tandem with The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), WHO, UNICEF, and Global Polio Eradication partners. The primary goal of this innovative endeavor is to ensure that no child is missed during vaccination campaigns, leveraging GIS tracking and meticulous data collection to guide health workers to every settlement, including remote locations.
Project Impacts
2,550Wards were tracked by eHA in 247 LGAs across 6 states (Kaduna, Katsina, Kebbi, Niger, Sokoto, and Zamfara)
62,793Settlements without geocoordinates and conducted data collection activities to update 53,952 (86%) of the settlements.
14,634,749Children vaccinated
Polio GIS Special Intervention

Project Impacts

New Horizon, Indigo Vaccine Carrier Achievement
In Borno State, Nigeria, the routine immunization program has been confronting significant operational and logistical challenges, primarily due to security concerns and financial strains associated with frequent travel for vaccine and ice logistics. This is particularly problematic for health facilities lacking cold chain equipment. Addressing these challenges, the Borno State Emergency Routine Immunization Coordination Center (SERICC) and Borno State Primary HealthCare Development Agency (BoSPHCDA) have adopted a new generation vaccine carrier called Indigo. This innovative solution offers extended holdover time, shelf stability, and an integrated temperature monitoring system, making it ideal for storing vaccines during outreach and fixed Routine Immunization (RI) sessions.
Project Impacts
302,231Children have been immunized with Indigo Vaccine Carrier as the primary vaccine carrier
78Indigo Vaccine Carrier deployed 3,349 times to health facilities in Borno State
New Horizons, CFD-50 and Stationary Cold Chain Data Advocacy

Project Impacts
137MetaFridge units were successfully installed by eHA across 12 states in Nigeria indicating a substantial reach and impact on the healthcare infrastructure in the country.

Dikwa and Ngala Project Data Achievements from 2022 Feb 2024
The project, supported by the World Food Program (WFP), involves warehouse operations in North-East Nigeria, providing a common storage facility for humanitarian actors. This initiative is designed to strengthen humanitarian responses in hard-to-reach areas, with eHealth Africa tasked with managing these warehouse facilities.
Project Impacts
3,888Consignments from 17 partners comprising 8,004.8 metric tonnes and 38,772.9 cubic meters of consignments were managed by eHA
Safety and Antimicrobial Resistance of Mass Administration of Azithromycin on Children 1-11 months in Nigeria (SARMAAN) 2021 - 2023

Project Impacts
Case Studies
Leveraging Data-Driven Decision-Making for Project Success
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Project (OFSP)
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs)
Stakeholders collaboration boosts children immunization rate in Bauchi State
Logistic Management Information Systems (LoMIS)
Addressing challenges with supply/distribution of health commodities in Kano State using LoMIS Stock
Geo-referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3)
Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics now positioned to plan and decide better
Community Health Officer-Management & Leadership Training Program
Training of Community Health Officers improves early detection of hypertension in Sierra Leone
Want to Learn More?
Contact UsLaboratory Systems
Support for Laboratory Supplies procurement

Project Overview and Objective
- Implemented in 6 countries (Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria)
- 5 laboratories renovation completed
Case Studies
Leveraging Data-Driven Decision-Making for Project Success
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Project (OFSP)
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs)
Stakeholders collaboration boosts children immunization rate in Bauchi State
Logistic Management Information Systems (LoMIS)
Addressing challenges with supply/distribution of health commodities in Kano State using LoMIS Stock
Geo-referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3)
Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics now positioned to plan and decide better
Community Health Officer-Management & Leadership Training Program
Training of Community Health Officers improves early detection of hypertension in Sierra Leone
Want to Learn More?
Contact UsClimate Resilience, Food Security & Nutrition
GAIN Third Party Advocacy

Project Overview and Objective
The Third Party Advocacy project, supported by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), was initiated to enhance the country's ability to generate, govern, share, and utilize traceable data on food fortification within factories and markets
This initiative was specifically aimed at supporting and strengthening Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) third-party advocacy campaigns and contributing to the overall achievement of LSFF program goals.
Project Impacts
The project has successfully achieved several key milestones, each contributing significantly to the improvement of data management in food fortification:
Data Review and Cleanup
Conducted a thorough review of existing data and sent cleaned data queries to GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition), ensuring data accuracy and reliability.
Data Analytics Plan
Formulated and approved a comprehensive data analytics plan, laying the groundwork for systematic data analysis and utilization.
LSFF Data Module Development
Developed and approved an LSFF data module, a crucial tool for standardizing and streamlining data collection and management processes related to food fortification.
Approval and Implementation of LSFF Data Module
Finalized and began the use of the LSFF data module, marking a significant step forward in data management for food fortification.
Development of a Data Visualization Dashboard
Created a dashboard for data visualization, enabling easier interpretation and analysis of food fortification data.
Development of communication collaterals
Provided support to the team to create three communication collaterals.

Technical Assistance for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment for Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment 2023
The project focused on providing technical assistance for the effective deployment of COVID-19 vaccines. Its primary objectives included setting up an optimal management structure for the COVID-19 vaccination program, strengthening the existing management capacities, and enhancing the use of current platforms for planning, coordination, and strategy implementation.
Supporting Strategic Meetings
Facilitated 502 State Emergency Routine Immunization Coordination Centre (SERICC ) and other Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings across 18 supported states, enhancing the coordination and strategy of vaccine deployment.
- Supported the teams to ensure that 250 meetings were held with evidence of meeting reports using the archival system
- Out of the 597 recorded decisions or actions taken at the TWG meetings, 541 of these actions were implemented from the decisions made at the TWG meetings
- eHA facilitated 185 data driven presentations
- Developed and administered a performance assessment for PHCs in the 18 states
- Out of the 96 prioritized items on the workplan, eHA 82 of these items were achieved within the set timeline.
- eHA supported the creation of 59 products like microplans, rollout plans, etc.
- Finalized and distributed findings from client-led monitoring, providing valuable insights for improving vaccine delivery processes.
- Supported COVID-19 vaccine ramp-up, resulting in approximately 12,892,858 individuals being vaccinated.
- Conducted successful close-out meetings by leveraging SERICC and TWG meetings across the 18 states, ensuring a structured and efficient conclusion to the project phases.
- The project conducted a Most Significant Change evaluation at endline. The key results show that the TA Assistance improved COVID-19 planning and coordination, increased data use for decision making and institutional strengthening. In addition, there was significant evidence that the TA efforts with the TWGs contributed to increased COVID-19 vaccination in the project implementation states.
Electronic Management of Immunization Data System (EMID)
The project aimed to develop and implement a new native Electronic Management of Immunization Data (EMID) system in Nigeria. Key objectives included:
- Developing the EMID system suitable for local healthcare requirements.
- Conducting cascade training across all 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in Nigeria.
- Carrying out IT infrastructure upgrades at the NPHCDA annex in Abuja.

Project Impacts
12,116 participants
trained across 36 states plus FCT on the use of EMID application
Development and Deployment
The new native EMID system was successfully developed and deployed. This includes the Pub Reg, Verification portal, and EMID backend to the production instance.
Support for Routine Immunization (RI) Progressive Web App (PWA)
The project provided essential support in the planning and execution of the RI PWA, facilitating better management of routine immunization data.
Training and Capacity Building
Conducted refresher and supervision training of 10075 participants across 36 states plus FCT in Nigeria, enhancing the skills and knowledge of healthcare workers in using the EMID system.
IT Infrastructure Enhancement
Completion of the Airtel E1 link setup and transitioning all agents to the new 3CX setup significantly improved the IT infrastructure.
Hand Holding and Support
Conducted final hand holding sessions on Helpdesk support for National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) staff, ensuring effective use and maintenance of the system.
Maintenance and Enhancements
Ongoing maintenance and bug fixing on the EMID Native app, PubReg, Verification Portal, and EMID Backend, along with enhancements like image URL calink on DHIS and language conversion on PubReg, have improved system reliability and user experience.
EMID Routine Immunization Requirements
Completion of requirements for EMID Routine Immunization, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of immunization data management.
Other Projects
AVADAR 2016 - 2021
- 8,907 vests delivered across 11 countries of implementation countries ( Cameroon, Chad, Central Africa Republic, Burkina, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Sudan
- 4, 077 true Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) cases reported among target populations in polio high-risk countries.
- Delivered 1,503 handheld solar chargers to 4 countries (SierraLeone, Cameroon, Niger and DRC Brazaville.
Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) 2021 - 2022
- 11,87 adolescents reached with LARC and counselling.
- 29,1861 children (12-59 months) reached with deworming contacts.
- 11, 5694 children (6-23 months) reached with micronutrient powders.
- 16,2563 children (6-59 months) reached vitamin A supplementation.
- 26, 4079 children (6-59 months) reached with Zinc/ORS.
- 13,3821 pregnant and lactating women reached with breastfeeding promotion and support and complementary feeding promotion.
- 13, 8636 pregnant women reached with a dose of SP/Fansidar (IPTp) for malaria
- 16,4482 pregnant women reached with thirty Iron-folic Acid (IFA) supplementation tablets
Case Studies
Leveraging Data-Driven Decision-Making for Project Success
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Project (OFSP)
Introducing the Immunity Boosting Sweet Potato to Kano State
Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs)
Stakeholders collaboration boosts children immunization rate in Bauchi State
Logistic Management Information Systems (LoMIS)
Addressing challenges with supply/distribution of health commodities in Kano State using LoMIS Stock
Geo-referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3)
Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics now positioned to plan and decide better
Community Health Officer-Management & Leadership Training Program
Training of Community Health Officers improves early detection of hypertension in Sierra Leone