Press Release
eHealth Africa in partnership with Ducit Blue hosts the Data For Health thought leadership Event, 2021

With presentations from, Federal Ministry of Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NCDC, CRS, and more, eHA and DBS hosted the Data Thought Leadership Event: Data for decision making, precision medicine, and social impact.
Virtual — August 11, 2021 — eHealth Africa, a non-profit organization in collaboration with Ducit Blue Solutions hosted the Data for Health Thought Leadership Event on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 with presentations from health experts that includes Federal Ministry of Health, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NCDC, CRS, BudgIT and more. These experts addressed and answered some of the questions around the use of data for precision medicine, social impact, and decision making.
As a data-driven organization, coupled with our experience of over a decade of experience developing and deploying digital solutions across Africa and some of the most experienced tech professionals in our team, eHealth Africa is committed to strengthening health systems using data. The event which was tagged: “Data for decision making, precision medicine and social impact” created not only an avenue to discuss the challenges along the health data landscape in Nigeria but to also draw evidence from case studies and success stories, share lessons learned, and to compile key actionable next steps towards improving quality data collection, data integration, access and utilization in Nigeria.
For more information about the Data Thought Leadership Event, visit
About eHealth Africa: eHealth Africa (eHA) is a non-profit organization based in Kano, Nigeria that builds stronger health systems in Africa through the design and implementation of data-driven solutions. eHA responds to local needs and provides underserved communities with tools to lead healthier lives through the integration of information, technology, and operations.